Ok, Ok I have been busy. Really. I am repainting kitchen cabinets after ruining them 2 years ago. Yes it has been that long. I am slow.
Anywhoooo I have those few pictures of Dylan from the Woodbridge race on Sat. ...
Here he is relaxing since he got there at 1pm and his race doesnt start until 9:35pm.

Since I rarely am in a picture with Dylan, I got his 2nd mom, Vicki Garza.
And his brother (that Bailey and Kayla never wanted) Christian
Then it got dark. I cannot take good pictures when it is dark. I am sure that it is possible, but I do not know how to do that. Dylan was dissapointed that I did not get any shots of him running but that is just how it is. : (
This shot is just to prove again that Dylan needs a haircut. Haha.
He was really nervous before running Sweepstakes. All of Royals varsity runners were nervous. It is a huge race and most of them were sick.
Here they are either discussing strategy, admiring each others fashion sense, or praying to not fall. I dont know.
And this is how my pictures come out at nighttime. I think it makes him look extra fast. Dont you think?
Well Royal didnt place well. At the mile mark, Dylan was in second to last place but by the end, he beat 8 guys. Dylan improved last year's time by about 30 seconds. So for being sick or not, I think he did great.