Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
The Last Rose
Bailey was excited to hear that the weather forecast called for rain. She loves the rain. Loves to run in the rain. She was happy to be able to wear a scarf to school. And was dissapointed when it did not rain during running practice. Although the next day it did rain and she was happy to run in it and I was not so happy to clean the muddy clothes. She is hoping for more rain this week.
Yesterday, Chris was pruning the rosebushes and brought this lovely flower in to me.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Groceries and Wrinkles and Dylan
Here is Wrinkles waiting for her Boy to come home from school.
He is spotted. "no wrinkles, stay." I say. She looks at me like "are you crazy?" and darts out the front door. Pretty fast for an old girl.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
Monday 1.19.09

I made more cookies today. But that's it. I'm done. Without running, I will become a cow if I keep this up and then I will have to listen to Shawn call me Cow. So this is the last of the cookies for a while. These are the pie crust/cinnamon/walnuts/honey/sugar/lemon and chocolate ones.
Dylan got his haircut today and when I wanted to take a picture, I got a bunch of nothing shots.
Typical goofy faces....until I reminded him that he will be needing a tux for the Winter Formal and money to go and............and then I got a smile. A nervous smile, but still a smile. I am getting better.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
I only made 12 because that's all that fits in the oven, so I made a little cake too.
Chris wanted that "cupcake".
I had this one... (OK . nobody believes me any way, I confess..I had 3)
Saturday, Hunter came over after running in the morning. I guess they brought souvenirs from the run??? I told Bailey she could NOT keep them in her room.
Dylan and Chris worked on cutting down the monster tree and are almost done. Dylan got something in his eye so he had to stop and rinse it out. Luckily, it was OK.
It was hot..that is his shirt on his head.
Dylan then spent a lengthy amount of time designing this car on x-box so that he could drive it in the game and smash it to bits.
Very Gangsta.
OK, I just checked and it is actually absenceofkaylaitis that I am suffering from...all those big medical terms..just got confused. Oh and Mary...that was not a very nice thing to say about my salads!!! : )
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Is today Monday? cause I don't like Mondays
It is a "spring mix" of lettuces, cheese, red onions, croutons, red kidney beans, sweet pickle relish, sunflower seeds, and ranch dressing. I know...your thinking how odd, but it is very good and I think very healthy mixture for me. I used to get salads like this at Souplantation but they are expensive and stopped carrying the kidney beans and sweet pickles (which are crucial to have) so I decided to buy all the stuff and make it myself. Delish.
I limped outside and took a picture of our view because it is so clear today.
Now for that banana...
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
4:30 am.......Instead if going shopping or out to lunch, yesterday, I cleaned the house. (got to use my nifty spiffy new Dyson : ) I think I will vacuum everyday now cause it is fun - I guess cause it actually works. Did a ton of laundry (not so fun) and today I took Bailey to the dentist. 4 cavities. Lucky Bailey got white fillings. Lucky me only had to pay for silver. Woo Hoo.(she said sarcastically)
We had Jamba Juice for lunch.
It is just not the same.
I miss this...
Thankfully, she left behind her "The Office" DVDs and I will cheer myself up by watching these 2 goofballs.
I also have Wrinkles to follow me around all day.It was 85 degrees today. Just sayin.
Wrinkles misses you too.
That's all I got for today. Oh and Dylan went to baseball practice again today with Chris Graves.
: ) AAAANNNNDDDD...I learned how to Cut and Paste! yay me
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
The Best Day of the year
He walked. Then Chris hit a home run. Here he is scoring.