We survived another Cross Country Carb Loading Team Bonding Fun Time Pasta Party.
I made the invites the size of business cards and ended up with 2 versions. I didn't think Dylan would like the pink one, but after I printed them, he said it was his favorite.

The cartoon says:
Having discovered she's out of pasta and with crosscountry runners arriving in 20 minutes, Colleen is forced to use the kid's macaroni necklaces.
65 -70 HighSchool kids showed up along with a few that werent on the teams. It was nice to see Veronica. Brianna only came in when she picked up Christian but it was nice to see her too.
Coach came with his little boy. Wrinkles growled at Cayden when he kindof invaded her space a little. (Cayden was trying to sit on her and she moved then he got right in her face and grabbed her ears. Wrinkles didnt like that at all. But it scared me I thought she bit him. She didnt.)
We went through 7 x-large trays of pasta, meat sauce, marinara sauce, 14 loaves of bread, a masive amount of grapes, and salad, a couple gallons of apple cider and three cases of water. And I baked 2 batches of chocolate chip cookies for the kids to sneak when the coaches were not looking.
They all kept busy eating, playing basketball, jumping on the trampoline, hitting the punching bag, sitting, talking and having fun. Bailey said Clinton was gonna fight Tanner at one point but I walked outside at just the right moment so he didnt.
The only thing that could have made it better, was if Kayla was there. Although she must have read my mind and called during the party :-) It was fun but I am glad it only happens once a year. And I was too busy to take pictures.