I have been wanting to refinish the kitchen cupboards for 2 years now.
They used to be dark brown. I painted them "bone" 2 years ago. Then Joan said "you gotta put a finish on them" So we started to put it on, and it turned them yellow. "It will dry clear" she said. It didn't. Not pretty yellow, I just smoked 1000 packs of ciggarettes in your kitchen without opening a window yellow.
So now, 2 years later, I have to sand the finish off and redo them. Sanding made a bigger mess than I thought. At least that parts done.

Thanks, Mom. :-) You're making serious "progress" (I like all the "quotations")
Great Progress! I hope that you are finished before Kayla gets home from college! When does she graduate?
Are those canned tomatos?!?!?! And black beans! Thank goodness we haven't run out of those!
Pat laughed out loud at Uncle Shawn's comment! I don't think I have the energy to try to do that big a job anymore! (So, Kayla, do you really like black beans and canned tomatoes? I think I have a few extra cans I can send you!)
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