Royal's Winter Formal was Saturday. We bought Dylan a tux and some new shoes and he was all set. Buying a tux was cheaper than renting twice and prom is coming up soon. Dylan took Ally and they had a lot of fun together.
This was at Ally's house.
Then everyone met at Taylor's house to wait for the limo. There were 34 kids in the limo.
Here are some of the guys...

Pinning on his flower was harder than it looks. Too much pressure..too many pictures...

Five minutes later...
Her corsage was easy...

Pinning on his flower was harder than it looks. Too much pressure..too many pictures...
Five minutes later...
Success.... and lookin' good.Into the limo....
And off they went. Bailey went too. I will put her pictures up later.
That's adorable. Dylan looks so handsome, Aly looks so pretty.....and shannon looks like a girl, what's new. It looks like they had a lot of fun, yay :-)
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