And what have I been up to lately? .........Painting the living room. Dunn Edwards Oak Harbor.
It is close to the color that it was. A little bit darker. Hunter laughed and said it was the same color but it's not. Here you can see the difference....
This is what happens when you get bored painting normal....

And this is me on the top step of the ladder hoping I don't fall and break.
You should give Hunter a glass of paint and tell her it's a chocolate shake. (-: Evil Smile, like the one on the wall)
I KNEW you were using Dunn Edwards Oak Harbor- I KNEW it! Took one look and said- that there's Dunn Edwards Oak Harbor, no doubt!
I'm glad you didn't fall! Your little broken toe would be very upset- not to mention the rest of your body.
You should just go rainbow with your room- since your son IS gay...
Jk jk jk jk jk jk
But seriously
P.S. You look beautiful (as always) and really tall! Is your hair darker? maybe it's the light...
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