Kayla got her haircut and looks adorable...
Wrinkes is still looking adorable too....

The Track Banquet was June 8th. Bailey talked her friend Kelly into wearing a dress for the first time in years. And Kayla straightened her hair. She borrowed a dress from Bailey and looked great. This is Kelly, Bailey and Shanie.

The Track Banquet was June 8th. Bailey talked her friend Kelly into wearing a dress for the first time in years. And Kayla straightened her hair. She borrowed a dress from Bailey and looked great. This is Kelly, Bailey and Shanie.
Kayla and Bailey...Wrinkles still looking cute...
Potato bug on the patio, kindof looking cute in a ewww so ugly it's cute sortof way....
I have more pictures from this weekend, but I will have to put them up later because
I just wondered....your kids are great-looking, their friends are great-looking, you and Chris are great-looking....is that a requirement to live in California?
Congratulations Dylan! Your cap and gown look pretty cool!
Dylan looks so handsome in his cap and gown! I can't believe only chris and Bailey are left in HS. It seems like yesterday you moved in and Kayla came over with Dylan and Bailey in toe wanting to play! And we just sent Chris and Bailey off to Kindergarten rejoicing that we now had some free time! Now I feel old and depressed!
My niece, Heather and her husband have a blog for their new baby, Avarie at:
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