Wrinkles used to be quite the hunter. She would regularly bring me dead rabbits and dead birds. She even brought a roadrunner once :.-(
She's fought coyotes, snakes, a great dane (and lost) in the past. But lately she seems to be content hunting lizards in the backyard. She's getting on in years and tires easily.(like me haha)
She's fought coyotes, snakes, a great dane (and lost) in the past. But lately she seems to be content hunting lizards in the backyard. She's getting on in years and tires easily.(like me haha)
Whenever I go out to water the flowers she comes out with me and goes right into hunting mode. Then, when I am done (about 10 minutes) she is exhausted and comes into the airconditioned house and naps for about 5 hours!!
Most of the time, I dont even think there are lizards there!Resting after Not Finding any Lizards
She seems to be happy though.
Maybe she will find one later.
Time for a nap.
Oh and Hi Mary! Welcome to my blog. Haha Sounds weird. But, Yay I like comments. Now there is you AND Kayla!
He is such an AWESOME hunter! Did you hear Jessey and Jay got a new dog? He is a little puppy named Dignam. (Yes, Dignam!) He is a Boston Terrier and Jessey is totally smitten!
Mary, You should start posting pictures. It is soooo easy that I can do it.
Where did they get the name Dignam from. That is so funny.
Here Dignam! Here Dignam.
Almost as silly as Here Wrinkles!
What a champ!
She's not a chump! She's a champ!
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