Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Well, Kayla is back in Montana after a nice Christmas Vacation. She left here yesterday at 4:30 in the morning. It is hard to get used to her not being here and I think about her all the time.

4:30 am.......Instead if going shopping or out to lunch, yesterday, I cleaned the house. (got to use my nifty spiffy new Dyson : ) I think I will vacuum everyday now cause it is fun - I guess cause it actually works. Did a ton of laundry (not so fun) and today I took Bailey to the dentist. 4 cavities. Lucky Bailey got white fillings. Lucky me only had to pay for silver. Woo Hoo.(she said sarcastically)

We had Jamba Juice for lunch.
It is just not the same.

I miss this...

Thankfully, she left behind her "The Office" DVDs and I will cheer myself up by watching these 2 goofballs.

I also have Wrinkles to follow me around all day.It was 85 degrees today. Just sayin.

Wrinkles misses you too.

That's all I got for today. Oh and Dylan went to baseball practice again today with Chris Graves.

: ) AAAANNNNDDDD...I learned how to Cut and Paste! yay me


Kayla said...

They're not "goofballs", mom....they're "morons". It's's cooler.

Yay for cut and paste! Nicely done.

Kayla said...

Comment, comment.....